یحیی زکریا اوغلو و ایسلام ایله مسیحیت دینلرینه گؤره پئیغمبر ایدی. یحیی چوخ آغلاماغا تانیلمیش بیر یهود پیغمبرمیش کی میلاددان سنرا بیرینجی یوزییل ده یاشاییرمیش.

John the Baptist
John the Baptist Preaching in the Wilderness by Anton Raphael Mengs, 1760
دوْغومLate 1st century BC[۱]
Herodian Judea, the Levant
اؤلومAD 31 – 32[۲][۳][۴]
Machaerus, Perea, the Levant
حؤرمت سایانلار مسیحیت
آنا معبد
مراسیمJune 24 (Nativity),
August 29 (Beheading),
January 7 (Synaxis,
Eastern Orthodox),
Thout 2 (Coptic Orthodox Church)
خوصوصیتلرCamel-skin robe, cross, lamb, scroll with words "Ecce Agnus Dei", platter with own head, pouring water from hands or بالیق قولاغی shell
قیدیس حامیsee #Commemoration

وفتیزچی یوحننا (یحیی) چکن:پیتر بلوقر ائلدر


  1. ^ Luke 1:36 indicates that John was born about six months before Jesus, whose birth cannot be dated later than early in 4 B.C., L. Morris, "John The Baptist", ed. Geoffrey W Bromiley, The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Revised (Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1979–1988), 1108.
  2. ^ Metzger, Bruce Manning (1993). The Oxford Companion to the Bible. Oxford University Press. p. 283. Herod beheaded John at Machaerus in 31 or 32 CE.
  3. ^ Metzger (2004). The Oxford Guide to People & Places of the Bible. Oxford University Press. p. 103. Herod beheaded John at Machaerus in 31 or 32 CE.
  4. ^ Kokkinos, The Herodian Dynasty, pp. 268, 277.